Your Benefits

Integrety, responsibility and high quality services is what you can expect from us. We do whatever it takes to deliver what we promise to you. 
Establishing a trusted, reliable and lasting customer relationship is at the center of your experience with Tax4Expats Luxembourg

We are happy to cooperate with your personal accountant overseas to ensure a holistic view of your tax situation and avoid any double taxation of income. 

For cross-border workers from Germany, Tax4Expats Luxembourg can offer tax advice including the preparation of the income tax return for both countries from a single source.

Individual Service

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Every customer is unique and has his or her own ideas and requirements. Individual service means staying in dialogue with our customers and taking account of individual ideas and requirements when providing our services.

Tailored to the specific
needs of each client

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When you explain your situation, we listen to you. We think that understanding the complete facts and circumstances of your individual situation forms the essential basis for our support which is tailored to your specific needs.

One single point of contact

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The question of who is responsible for your file will not arise.  Grit Fischer is your one contact who will look after your tax file and advise you on all matters relating to Luxembourg and German income tax law.

Transparent and direct communication

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Whether by email, telephone, video conference, or in a personal meeting, we use different ways to stay in contact with you. We keep you regularly and proactively informed about the status of the processing of your tax file and inform you well in advance about upcoming deadlines.

High quality delivery

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"Quality means the customer comes back, not the goods." Hermann Tietz, Founder of Hertie department stores. 

The processing of your case has our full attention. Your satisfaction and positive feedback about our services is our responsibility.

Reasonable prices


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When determining the price of our services, we take into account your individual situation and the scope of the service to be provided. Transparent communication in advance and fixed prices for certain services should avoid surprises.
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